I created the NCSExpert “coding” profile. This is the correct OEM number for the “new” version of this part. The OEM part that I purchased for my car – 2011 BMW 328i xDrive – was part number 36106868194.

I replaced the malfunctioning TPMS antenna (“RDC Control Unit”) located behind the passenger side rear wheel by removing the little skirt from the underside of the car. TPMS RDC Module Factory Reset for E90 using NCSExpert – Method that works! Test reports: TPMS RDC Module Factory Reset for E90 – Method that Works! Once reset, start to drive and the car will initialize the module and after a short drive (2 blocks for me) the OBC/CIC will give the check tire pressure message and allow a full reset of the TPMS system. Once the Module (SG-reset) is initialized you will be able to reset the TPMS/RDC in the CIC or on the OBC and read the module in NCSexpert. You must do a SG-Reset and then the car will be able to communicate with it. When you replace the module NCSexpert will not be able to communicate with it. If you have a RDC module go bad and just swap the module for a new one, the car will not communicate with the module and stay deactivated with the warnings on the dash and if you have it, in the CIC. Fact is, it does need to be set to the car and can be done with NCSexpert and Inpa D-can cable.